Travel through space by playing cards from a deck of 21 Location cards and 14 Event cards. Wager fuel supplies against the odds and gather 20 Resources from at least 12 alien locations to win. Your hyperspace Fuel used to reach these locations is determined by a roll of two D6 dice and can be affected by Event cards. Locations are placed into a grid, adjacent to one another, the values on their border’s denote the Fuel required. Each turn the player draws an Event card that will have an effect on gameplay.


  • Pull aside player card, starting location, 2 D6 and D20.

  • Shuffle events and locations into separate decks.

  • Draw 3 locations, set starting resources and player tracker on starting location.


  • Roll 2 D6 adding them together for your fuel value and draw an event card.

  • Follow the events rule some may stick with the player until reshuffling the event deck.

  • If the players fuel roll meets or exceeds the value on the edge of the location the player intends to move to they may place and/or move to that card.

  • Cards are placed into a grid layout (left, right, up, and down) originating from the starting location.

  • When moving to a new location the player gains the value in the left ▲ triangle of the location card they are moving onto.


  • The player cannot immediately backtrack to a location and cannot collect resources from prior locations until after placing 12.

  • If the player doesn’t have enough fuel and has no available move they must lose the value shown in the right ▼ triangle of their current location.

  • If resources reach zero, the player loses.

  • Reshuffle events if all have been drawn.

  • The player only needs to place a minimum of 12 locations and return with 20 resource points to win but more locations can be placed.

Be conscious of the path you make traveling outwards and how it will affect your moves as you return back at the end of the game.


Try coming up with new gameplay rules to make your game more challenging. Aim for a specific card layout, draw only one location, have more than one event per turn, or raise the resource goal. The game is designed to be flexible or tailored to your personal desires for a gameplay experience. With its simple rule structures and value system, Starjourn could even be integrated into other tabletop role playing games as just a part of a larger gaming adventure.